Episode 104 - Charlotte Krog, Part 1: A Positive Impact

Charlotte Krog PT Dip. MDT, MoPP, Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Charlotte Krog was educated as a Physical Therapist in Aalborg, DK in 1994, and recieved her Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in Minnesota USA, 1997. Since 2004 she has been active as a boardmember in the Danish branch of Mechanical Diagnoses and Therapy. In 2005 she was appointed as a Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy by the Danish Physical Therapist Association and in 2007 she was appointed as Faculty member with relation to the Danish Branch. In 2015 she received her Master of Positive Psychology from Aarhus University, Denmark with her Master thesis: Giving the patient a voice!

She has primarily worked as a clinician in a private practice and participated in several research projects and has for years been mentoring younger physical therapist.

In October 2015 she started in a Private Practice outside the official Health Care System together with PT. Dip. MDT & Faculty Steen Olsen. They continue testing the BioPsychoSocial model in all their new coming Musculoskeletal patients and are working together on implementing psychology into patient management.

Show Notes

Personal Background

Charlotte lives in Copenhagen, Denmark with her spouse and their daughter and enjoy many activities in the city trying to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Professional Background

Charlotte shares her work early in her career and her first meeting and then increased exposure to spine assessment upon taking a position with Uffe Lindstrøm’s clinic.  She shares how she was able to see patients along with Uffe and how helpful that was with her to improve her assessment skills.  She talks about another phase of growth upon going through the diploma program in the McKenzie Insitute.

Charlotte talks a bit about what she’s done more recently including her role as a mentor and what she’s gained by mentoring.  She elaborates why patients will give a different answer to the same question depending on how it is asked. 


“One size doesn’t fit all”

She uses this, especially with patients who have higher fear and have been seen by many providers prior, to help patients understand that movement is safe and can be what they need to resolve their issue.


Positive Psychology

Charlotte first clarifies that these ideas relate mostly to those patients who deal with fear and avoidance behaviors and perhaps are depressed.  She believes that we are missing important factors of a patient when we don’t address the self efficacies.  She associates this need with our patients to how different industries invest training in their employees to develop them to be better for the company.  

She shares more regarding her work along with colleague Steen Olsen and concise assessment tools.  Particularly the Feed-back Informed Treatment (FIT) Tool.  Some of the scoring and appropriate application in the clinic is discussed. 

To learn about the tool and access it and related resources click here.

Mechanical Assessement of the TMJ

Charlotte shares an experience that came as a surprise to her when a patient offered that she had a long history of jaw pain that worsened with chewing.  She applied her mechanical assessment principles with which she’d been trained and had great success.  

You can see the abstract of that case study here.

Derangement of the temporomandibular joint; a case study using Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. Krog C, May S

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