Episode 105 - Charlotte Krog, Part 2: Getting On With It

Charlotte Krog Pt. Dip. MDT, MoPP, Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Charlotte Krog was educated as a Physical Therapist in Aalborg, DK in 1994, and recieved her Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in Minnesota USA, 1997. Since 2004 she has been active as a boardmember in the Danish branch of Mechanical Diagnoses and Therapy. In 2005 she was appointed as a Specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy by the Danish Physical Therapist Association and in 2007 she was appointed as Faculty member with relation to the Danish Branch. In 2015 she received her Master of Positive Psychology from Aarhus University, Denmark with her Master thesis: Giving the patient a voice!

Show Notes

Teaching and Mentorship

Charlotte highlights some common mistakes and problem areas:

~ Not truly listening

~ “Mechanical Troubleshooting” vs Implementing management strategies

~ Not incorporating patient beliefs into the education process

Common Student Mistakes

~ Not going to end range

~ Not enough reps

~ Not utilizing posture correction appropriately

Keeping Patients and Improving Autonomy

Charlotte explains how positive psychology can influence a patient’s decision to continue working with a mechanical therapist. She speaks of the importance of identifying“loss aversion” and low self-efficacy to improve patients’ willingness to participate within their management strategy.

Memorable Patient Story

Charlotte tells a story of a patient with an “other” classification who wasn’t being medically managed appropriately, as well as some creative problem-solving relayed by past patients.

Patient Education Analogy

Charlotte utilizes the analogy of the “rusty bike chain” to help with patient compliance and autonomy.

What She’s Doing Differently Now

“I do less, and try not to fix people.” Charlotte strives to help her patients grow and learn by listening to their problems and making them active participants in their recovery to ensure a better long term outcome in case of future recurrence of pain.

Useful Resources:

~ Colleagues and networking

~ Social media platforms

Relevant Research:

 A review of the psychotherapeutic 'common factors' model and its application in physical therapy: the need to consider general effects in physical therapy practice. 

Miciak et al. Scand J Caring Sci. 2012 Jun;26(2):394-403.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Charlotte’s Advice for Listeners:

 “Keep practicing, and learn from your experience. Get on with it!”

Charlotte invites listeners to email her with ideas or questions regarding positive psychology in practice.


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